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Florida Man, Florida Man, runs over a motorcyclist in a stolen truck going the wrong way, fails at carjacking, escapes on the back of a semi trailer, Florida Man (accordion music here) [Florida]
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Social media platforms that gather every shred of information about you to package and sell to the highest bidder and happily push misinformation and propaganda to all users whine about privacy laws being an "Orwellian" abuse of their rights [Ironic]
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Russia is powering up the nuclear reactors on the world's largest surface combat ship for its return to sea. Knowing their navy, expect nuclear fallout shortly [Scary]
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BBC reporter tries to explain to Ghanian street vendor that he doesn't want to pay so much for a bag of cashews, gets this article with a terrible pun headline instead [Interesting]
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French government debating whether people should wear a garment three times or five times between washes. Buried lede: gym clothes [Facepalm]
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What's up with all the sex parties? I better attend one and write an article about it [Giggity]
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For a brief, shining moment in World War II, the United States was at the pinnacle of pigeon-guided missile technology [Interesting]
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"There is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy"--Henry Miller. This is your weekly Fark Writer's thread, Saving Grace edition [CSB]
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New study suggests things really do seem better in the AM so if you know a morning person don't be afraid to give them a kick in the shin [Followup]
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Shania Twain transforms into a singing tongue, for Super Bowl. You'll be in your bunk [Unlikely]
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Great Beaver Snatch and you've already clicked the link (possible nsfw content on page) [Amusing]
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'Family Feud' contestants: Name a state in New England [Facepalm]
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US Navy finally catches up to 1964 Jonny Quest episode [Repeat]
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ICE ICE impersonators, ICE ICE impersonators, baby. The only surprising part of this article is that they were arrested [Dumbass]
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Archeologists find ancient game pieces used by Roman soldiers. Found the race car and the shoe so far, still looking for the thimble [Cool]
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