DOCUMENT: Animals, Crime

Three Little Pigs = Big Trouble

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Three Little Pigs = Big Trouble

Taquito Deluxe

More food for thought:

1) Until his recent arrest, Kenneth Atkins was the University of Florida technician responsible for the disposal of animals used in school medical experiments. But, according to police, Atkins recently swiped three pig carcasses scheduled for incineration, giving two to a friend, and selling the other for $65. Not such a good idea since the animals had been used in eye experiments and were injected with chemicals that could be harmful to humans. This report details the police pork pursuit. And, no, TSG has no idea why that guy buried his swine swag in the backyard. (5 pages)

2) Since when did Mexican food replace donuts as the police chow of choice? Seems that's always what the cops are ordering when fast food workers like this Texas teenager get stupid. And, no, that green leafy substance in the taquito wasn't going to pass as oregano. (2 pages)