Woman Arrested For $6400 Sausage Heist
Cops: Texas perp, 45, swiped a pallet of products

NOVEMBER 26--A Texas woman was arrested yesterday for stealing more than $6400 worth of sausage from the Kiolbassa Provision Company, a San Antonio firm that has been smoking meat since 1949.
According to an arrest affidavit, Regina Shaw, 45, was linked to the September 14 theft via surveillance footage that recorded her taking a “pallet of meat product” from the purveyor.
Shaw, who worked for the firm, was charged with felony theft and booked into the Bexar County jail. She was subsequently released on $5000 bond.
As detailed by a San Antonio Police Department detective, Shaw allegedly fenced a portion of the meat through a man who “purchased some boxes of Kiolbassa sausage” from her. The man later accepted “more Kiolbassa” in payment for a loan that he had given Shaw.
During a police photo lineup last month, the man, identified as Peter Medellin, picked out Shaw “as the female that he purchased the meat product from.” The police affidavit does not list the total weight of the purloined sausage, nor how Shaw made her getaway with the meat.
Seen in the above mug shot, Shaw was fired from her job with the Kiolbassa Provision Company, which sells a wide variety of sausages, including an “all-Pork Chorizo” and “Beef & Cheddar Smoked Sausage.” (3 pages)