"Lying" Starlet's Boozy Bust
Katie Cassidy gave cops phony name...of fellow Hollywood actress

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NOVEMBER 15--Nabbed for underage drinking, a young starlet lied about her identity to arresting officers because she was a "Hollywood actress" and news of her bust "would not look good."
When Katie Cassidy, 20, was popped two weeks ago by Tucson, Arizona cops following a 2:15 AM traffic stop, she claimed to be Taylor Quinn Cole, a 23-year-old actress. Cassidy, the daughter of former teen heartthrob David Cassidy, stars in the CW show "Supernatural" and has reportedly been cast as Lucy Ewing in the film version of "Dallas," the former hit TV series. Cole has guest-starred in "Supernatural" and appeared in the former WB series "Summerland."
According to Tucson Police Department reports, copies of which you'll find here, Cassidy was riding in a Chevy truck driven by a 19-year-old male when the vehicle was pulled over for moving violations on October 30. She appeared drunk when quizzed by cops, who noted her slurred speech, clumsy movements, and booze breath.
While Cassidy's blood alcohol content was redacted from reports released by police, a source familiar with the arrest said that her BAC was .16, twice the legal limit.
Cassidy, a West Hollywood resident, told cops she lived in Vancouver and was not carrying any identification. She claimed her name was Taylor Quinn Cole and that she was 21. Asked her date of birth, Cassidy replied, "4-29-84." An officer replied that date would have made her 23. That's when Cassidy confessed, "Okay, Okay, I lied to you--that wasn't my real name." [The 1984 date Cassidy offered is Cole's actual birth date.]
Cassidy told police that she lied about her identity because she was scared and, according to one report, "She said that she is a Hollywood actress and that this would not look good for her." Cassidy acknowledged that she knew the legal drinking age was 21, adding that she had consumed "several glasses of wine" and some "cranberry and vodka" that night.
When cops called Cassidy's mother, she wanted to know "what could be done," since her daughter was a "high-profile" actress. When an officer replied that the arrested performer would have to appear in court to answer misdemeanor charges (minor in possession and false reporting to a law enforcement agent), Cassidy's mother explained that her daughter "didn't have time to come back to court." Cassidy, who was arraigned this week, is next due in court on December 18. (3 pages)
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