Bartender Says O.J. Did It
Colorado man blames Simpson for his drunk driving arrest

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JANUARY 20--Meet Robert Hart. The 35-year-old bartender had an interesting explanation, of sorts, for why he was driving drunk early Saturday morning in Aspen, Colorado: O.J. Simpson made him do it. After he was pulled over for driving erratically, Hart explained that he had 'a couple of beers' with the acquitted murderer when Simpson turned up at the 'No Name' club, where Hart works as a bartender. According to an Aspen Police Department report, a woozy Hart smelled of booze and recorded a .112 in a Breathalyzer test (.08 is the Colorado legal limit). As he was being booked, a 'very talkative' Hart told officer Dan Davis that he blamed Simpson for his DUI arrest, noting that if the ex-athlete had not come to the bar, he would not have stayed so late. Davis noted that Hart 'said he was going to ask Simpson to pay his fines.' Based on the Juice's track record of paying court judgments, perhaps Hart might consider a fallback plan. O.J., as it turned out, wasn't the only Simpson catching some blame Saturday. (3 pages)