Battered By The ShamWow Guy
Prostitute's mug shot show injuries inflicted by TV pitchman

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MARCH 30--In last month's violent confrontation between the ShamWow Guy and a South Beach prostitute, there is no doubt which combatant took the worst of the battle.
As seen in her mug shot and the profile here, Sasha Harris, 26, was left with a pair of black eyes and other injuries after tangling with Vince Shlomi, 44, in a room at the swanky Setai hotel.
As TSG previously reported, Shlomi told cops that he met Harris in a Miami Beach nightclub and later paid her about $1000 for 'straight sex.' But when the TV pitchman tried to kiss Harris, she allegedly bit his tongue and would not let go. Shlomi told cops that he punched Harris several times until she released his bleeding tongue.
Shlomi and Harris were both treated at the Mount Sinai Medical Center before being booked for felony aggravated battery (hence the matching hospital smocks). Prosecutors this month declined to pursue formal charges against either brawler. (3 pages)
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