Filet Mignon Finis For T.I.
Prison amenities won't compare to rapper's perk-filled tour rider

MAY 26--Sadly, there will be no butterflied filet mignon waiting for the rapper T.I. when he surrenders today to begin serving his 366-day prison sentence on a weapons charge.
According to his current concert rider, when the 28-year-old performer (real name: Clifford Harris) hits the road, he travels first class, stays in luxury hotels, and has his dressing room stocked with premium booze and fine sweets like Skittles and Lemonheads.
Harris's accommodations and menu choices at the minimum security federal lockup in Forrest City, Arkansas will be more austere than the ones required by his rider, an excerpt of which you'll find here. But while nine-ounce steaks are not provided by the Bureau of Prisons, Harris will find a potato chip selection at the prison commissary. (2 pages)