Got It On "E"-Bay
Online auctions trigger DEA raid of suspected Gotham Ecstasy lab

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APRIL 28--Memo to those considering entering the exciting field of Ecstasy production: It's probably not a good idea to set up your illicit drug lab via purchases on eBay, which apparently is being closely monitored by nosy Drug Enforcement Administration agents. Federal investigators this week raided a New York City home after spending months monitoring online purchases of laboratory equipment and chemicals used in the manufacture of the popular club drug. According to a search warrant affidavit filed under seal this week in U.S. District Court, the eBay items were bought by a 'Carlos Legrand' and delivered to a Queens home, where they were accepted by members of a family living there. Beginning last year, 'Legrand' began purchasing flasks, chemicals, a 'motorized tablet press,' thermometers, a hotplate, and a 'melting point apparatus' from assorted eBay sellers (some of the actual equipment is pictured below in images from recent eBay sale pages). While the April 25 DEA affidavit does not identify the eBay buyer's account name, a comparison of the 'Legrand' purchases with completed auctions reveals that 'dinero9760' scored the various Ecstasy-related items. The account was opened in July 2005 and the buyer has a perfect feedback rating, with sellers describing dinero9760 as an 'awesome customer' and 'always a pleasure.' In his affidavit, DEA agent Robert Subach reported that undercover deliveries of Legrand's eBay purchases were accepted by members of the Morales family, residents of the Richmond Hill home. Ingrid Morales, who accepted the April 17 delivery of a 'rotary evaporator,' told TSG that her family is in the process of hiring a lawyer, but declined further comment. Subach said he could not answer questions about the DEA probe. (9 pages)