Hot For Teacher Du Jour
Catholic school educator did it in press box with 16-year-old boy

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AUGUST 3--Meet Sandra Geisel.
As you may have heard, the 42-year-old New Yorker is the latest teacher to face charges that she had sex with an underage male student. Geisel was arrested earlier this week on rape and child endangerment counts in connection with her illicit relationship with a 16-year-old student at Christian Brothers Academy (CBA).
Until her mid-June firing, Geisel taught English at CBA, an all-boys high school near Albany.
In interviews with the Colonie Police Department, the teenager gave cops a graphic account of his encounters with Geisel (whom he called a "good teacher") at her home and in the press box at the school's football field. The boy's account is contained in a deposition filed in support of the criminal complaint lodged against Geisel.
A deposition from a male buddy of the teen was also filed in Justice Court.
In both documents, the names of minors involved have been redacted by police. Geisel, pictured at left in a police booking photo, is free on $20,000 bail and has been ordered by a judge to stay away from the 16-year-old student and adhere to a 10 PM to 6 AM curfew. (3 pages)