The Incorrigible Teacher
After jail term, woman, 28, still wooing former teen sex partner

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APRIL 26--Even by predatory teacher standards, Pamela Rogers is one brazen gal.
The former Tennessee teacher, who was jailed last year for having sex with a 13-year-old student, resumed communicating with the boy after her February release from prison, investigators charge.
Rogers, 28, was arrested earlier this month after probation officials discovered that she had created a MySpace page on which she posted messages to the victim (those notes were addressed to "32," the boy's basketball uniform number). Rogers pleaded not guilty to the probation violation charge and was released on bail pending a July court hearing.
But even after that legal scrape, Rogers continued to contact the boy, according to an amended complaint just filed in Warren County Criminal Court.
The complaint details how Rogers recently sent naked photos of herself (as well as sexually explicit videos) to the boy. She also allegedly sent the boy e-mails and text messages and set up a Hotmail account--happyending32--that they could jointly access. In a March 19 text message to the boy, Rogers wrote, "R u still waitin? Or do you want me 2 try 2 move on wit my life? I miss u so much. I wish I could tlk 2 u."
Rogers is pictured at left in a Warren County Sheriff's Office booking photo snapped Monday. (4 pages)