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Who could blame Paula Jones for trying to further cash in on her years-ago encounter with Bill Clinton in a Little Rock hotel room?
The new-nosed hotty recently was paid to pose in a British glossy and will soon launch a $3.99/minute psychic hot line. These two deals were arranged for Jones by businessman Jack Gordon, the ex-husband of LaToya Jackson.
In case Paula wants to know more about her new rainmaker, we offer these excerpts from a 1994 FBI wiretap affidavit.
In the course of investigating powerful New York mobster James "Little Jimmy" Ida, the feds intercepted conversations between the gangster and Gordon, described by the FBI as an "associate" of the Genovese crime family who paid the gang to "protect" Latoya. (6 pages)
February 6, 2025
Creep, 63, is locked up without bail on 21 felony charges