Stupid Judge Trick?
Letterman issued restraining order to stop bothering loony fan

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DECEMBER 22--A New Mexico judge has actually signed a restraining order barring David Letterman from continuing to vex a Santa Fe woman who believes the television host has been secretly communicating with her for 12 years via code words, gestures and eye expressions. While Colleen Nestler's application is clearly without merit (and very nutty, to boot) District Judge Daniel Sanchez last week signed an order barring Letterman from contacting, annoying, threatening, or harming Nestler. And he has to stay 100 yards away from her too, according to the December 15 order, a copy of which you'll find below. In her court application, Nestler claimed that Letterman subjected her to 'bankruptsy, mental cruelty, sleep deprivation' She also requested that Letterman be ordered to cease thinking of her and stop his 'mental harrasment & hammering.' Included in the court file was Nestler's seven-page handwritten account of her abuse at Letterman's hands. 'Dave responded to my thoughts of love, and, on his show, in code words & obvious indications through jestures and eye expressions, he asked me to come east,' she explained. A coded marriage proposal would follow, added Nestler, when Letterman announced on a show promo, 'Marry me Oprah.' The name Oprah, Nestler reported, 'had become my first of many code-names.' Letterman's lawyers Monday filed an expedited motion to quash Judge Sanchez's ill-advised restraining order. (11 pages)