Cops Bust 7-Foot Woman (If You Include Her Hair)
Bunch of winners, one sure loser in new roundup

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March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
March 15, 2013 Mugs
MARCH 16--This week’s mug shot roundup commences with a 22-year-old Georgian with a “Loser” tattoo on his forehead. He was busted Wednesday for, we kid you not, “failing to vaccinate or register a dog or cat.” As for his fellow suspects, a few notes:
1) The bearded Floridian, 61, on page #3 was nabbed Monday by Miami cops for loitering or prowling; 2) The towering mohawk on page #4 was photographed Thursday after its owner, a 24-year-old Arizona woman, was popped for driving with a suspended license. Hopefully she was in a convertible; 3) The Floridian, 64, on page #8 was collared Saturday for grand theft and battery with a weapon. Specifically, a machete; 4) Yes, that “Bud Light” tattoo on page #14 is on the forearm of a 19-year-old guy who is not old enough to drink. He was arrested, of course, for violating probation following a drunk driving collar; and 5) The Miami gent, 65, with the unique coif on page #15 was busted Wednesday for trespassing. (15 pages)