Another F*&k*%g Classy Bunch Of Mug Shots
Shar-Pei man, octogenarian cop batterer lead roundup

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SEPTEMBER 15--The Missouri woman who leads off this week’s mug shot roundup was busted Tuesday on a vehicular charge. Which allowed her to show off that “Fuckin’ Classy” chest tattoo during the booking process. As for her fellow suspects, some notes:
1) The 86-year-old Floridian on page #3 was jailed for battery on a law enforcement officer; 2) The Louisiana man, 19, in the “Don’t Shoot!” t-shirt on page #4 was jailed Thursday for assault, resisting an officer, and reckless operation; 3) The muscled New Jersey duo on page #5 (he’s 36, she’s 32) were collared for strong-arm robbery; 4) Despite her arrest Sunday for indecent exposure, the 59-year-old Nevada woman on page #8 looked rather cheery when posing for jailers; 5) The natty Floridian, 76, on page #12 was collared for battery; and 6) Following his bust Thursday for contempt of court, the 63-year-old Oregon man on page #14 proved that facial ink remains a young man’s game. (14 pages)