Hapless Romantic Stole Truck In Bid To Stop Nuptials
Man said he couldn't let woman "marry someone else"

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JANUARY 25--Desperate to stop his former girlfriend from marrying “someone else that day,” a Utah man allegedly stole a truck and raced to the woman’s home last week in a bid to convince her to shelve the nuptials, police report.
Despite his dramatic move, Andrew Curtis was rebuffed last Friday by his ex, who “told him to leave.” He then departed her residence in the stolen Chevy pickup truck, which he subsequently crashed in a church parking lot.
According to a probable cause declaration, Curtis, 30, swiped a running truck from outside a construction firm in Salt Lake County. Curtis told cops that he had been waiting at a 7-Eleven for a friend to give him a lift to his ex-girlfriend’s home, but that his ride never materialized. So he took the Chevy because he “couldn’t allow his girlfriend to go through with the marriage.”
After being turned away by the woman, Curtis set out to return the hot wheels. En route, he somehow “lost control in a church parking lot and hit ‘something.’” Court records do not indicate whether the church was where the wedding was set to occur.
Curtis was arrested as he returned to the construction company’s parking lot with the Chevy, which sustained at least $1000 damage in the church crash. “I have never done anything like this, please don’t take me to jail,” Curtis told a cop.
After being read his rights, Curtis, whose nicknames include “Iceman,” told police that he had used methamphetamine the day before and “had not slept or eaten since.” Just like Dustin Hoffman in “The Graduate.”
Charged with auto theft, Curtis was booked into the county jail, where he spent five days before posting $15,000 bail Wednesday. (3 pages)