Raging Employee Busted For Taco Bell Trashing
Teen snapped when told to take drive-thru orders

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MARCH 21--A teenage Taco Bell employee was arrested this weekend after allegedly going into a rage when his manager told him to start taking drive-thru orders. This request to do his job led Joshua Fisher, 18, to trash the restaurant’s kitchen and assault a coworker, Florida police report.
According to witness affidavits, Fisher was supposed to be handling orders at a Taco Bell in Palmetto, but “wasn’t doing what he should have been doing.” As “the drive through line was backed up,” his manager told him to start doing his job. When this request was not met with action, the boss walked around Fisher and began taking the orders himself.
This, according to Fisher’s coworkers, set the employee off. First, he allegedly threatened to “snap” his manager’s neck. Then he began throwing condiment holders, utensils, a headset, and a box of pizza (that struck coworkers). One Taco Bell employee noted in her affidavit that, "this is not his first temper problem."
According to Palmetto police, the restaurant "had to be shut down for nearly an hour to clean the kitchen.”
Fisher, seen in the above mug shot, was booked into the Manatee County jail on misdemeanor battery and criminal damage charges. Scheduled for arraignment in circuit court on April 19, he remains locked up on $1250 bond. (5 pages)