Lactating Lap Dancer Fires Back
Woman claims “jerk” patron "grabbed her by the breast"

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AUGUST 5--The Michigan stripper accused of assaulting an unsuspecting club patron by squirting him with mother's milk has fired back, so to speak.
Kasey Ann Colvin, 20, told cops that patron/complainant David Buhler was a "jerk" she knew from high school and that he may have been responsible for the July 26 nocturnal emission at The School House. According to this Jackson Police Department report, Colvin--who uses the stage name Sky--told officers that while she performed for Buhler, he "grabbed her by the breast," which might have caused some milk to "drip" (though Colvin acknowledged that some milk may have leaked naturally "somewhere in the middle of the dance floor").
Colvin, who vehemently denied Buhler's claim that she squirted him in the face with mother's milk, told police that she wanted to press charges against the 23-year-old Buhler. The Jackson City Attorney has decided not to file charges against either party. (2 pages)
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