Girl, 10, Drafted School Hit List
'Killing spree' note named 25 students, teachers at Wisconsin school

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NOVEMBER 20--A 10-year-old Wisconsin girl drafted a hit list containing the names of 21 classmates and four teachers who would be targeted "when I go on my killing spree."
The handwritten list was confiscated Monday afternoon by a teacher in a McKinley Middle School classroom, according a Kenosha Police Department report, a copy of which you'll find here.
At the top of the one-page list the sixth grader wrote, 'When I go on my killing spree the victims are...' A second list contained the names of four students--including the girl herself--who were 'people I don't want 2 kill.'
When interviewed by cops, the student denied she wanted to hurt anyone, claiming she drafted the list 'because she was angry with some other students who accused her of spreading rumors.' The girl said she was angry with teachers on the list 'because they ignore her when she raises her hand in class.'
The teacher who seized the note told cops that she 'feared for my safety after reading the list,' and thought it was 'possible for [the student] to hurt me and the other people on the list.' A Kenosha detective has forwarded the girl's case to juvenile justice officials with the recommendation that she be charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct.
The child, who has not had prior disciplinary problems, was suspended from school pending an administrative review of the November 17 incident. However, the school's principal told police that she was not recommending that the child be expelled. (5 pages)
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