Man Tries To Electrocute Wife In Bathtub
Failed in attempt to push radio into wife's bubble bath

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MAY 5--A Texas man is facing an attempted murder rap for allegedly trying to electrocute his wife as she took a bubble bath. According to investigators, William Wolfe, 34, recently drew a bath for his wife Theresa and lit some candles near the tub. The romantic air disappeared, sadly, when William allegedly tried to knock a radio into the drink (luckily, Theresa was able to catch the radio before it hit the water). Could it have just been an accident? Theresa thought not since her hubby's reaction was "not normal" after she plucked the radio in midair, according to the below criminal complaint. Suspicious, Theresa later examined the couple's home computer and discovered--surely to her shock--that William had been surfing the web looking at sites about "bathtub electrocution." And then she found out about William recently taking out a life insurance policy on her. In short order, William--pictured at right in his booking photo--was in cuffs and charged with attempted murder, a conviction for which could get him a maximum of 20 years in prison. (2 pages)