Marion Jones's Dates With Destiny
Convicted Olympian's BALCO doping calendar filed by investigators

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DECEMBER 26--Marion Jones, the disgraced Olympic sprinter, kept track of her use of performance enhancing drugs with 'doping calendars' that detailed her usage of assorted drugs, including human growth hormone and 'the clear,' the designer steroid peddled by the notorious Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative.
The Jones calendars, which were seized by federal agents during a 2003 raid, detail Jones's drug usage during a five-month period in 2001, when the athlete competed in meets in France, England, Italy, Switzerland, and Norway. The doping calendars, copies of which you'll find here, were included as exhibits to a sentencing memorandum filed last Friday by federal prosecutors.
Jones is scheduled to be sentenced January 11 in U.S. District Court in White Plains, N.Y. for lying to federal investigators probing BALCO and an unrelated check-kiting scheme.
According to the government filing, the calendars--which are labeled 'M.J.'--contain abbreviations for certain drugs Jones used, such as human growth hormone ('G'); 'the clear' ('C'); and insulin ('I'). The calendars were found in a manila folder labeled 'Marion Jones' that was discovered by federal agents searching a storage locker rented by Victor Conte, BALCO's founder.
Investigators obtained similar doping calendars bearing the initials 'B.B.' and believe they refer to drug schedules for Barry Bonds. The baseball star was questioned about the calendars during a December 2003 grand jury appearance. Bonds was indicted last month on perjury and obstruction of justice charges arising from his 2003 testimony. (5 pages)