Peanut Butter Attack!
H.S. student charged with assault on severely allergic classmate

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OCTOBER 2--A Washington man is facing an assault charge for allegedly smearing peanut butter on the forehead of a fellow student who is severely allergic to peanuts.
Joshua Hickson, 19, slathered on the peanut butter after he learned of the victim's allergy while both were at lunch last month in Wenatchee High School. According to a Wenatchee Police Department report, a copy of which you'll find here, Hickson took a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from another student and twice 'wiped some of the inside contents' on the forehead of the victim, who did not suffer an allergic reaction as a result of the September 8 incident.
When interviewed by police, Hickson admitted smearing the peanut butter on his classmate, but 'claimed that he didn't think anything would happen.' As first reported by the Wenatchee World, Officer Steve Evitt noted in his report that the 'incident turned out to be fairly innocuous, but could have been fatal.'
If convicted of the misdemeanor charge Hickson faces a maximum of one year in jail and a $5000 fine. (5 pages)