DOCUMENT: Evidence, Funny

Mount Rushmore's Other Busts

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Mount Rushmore's Other Busts

In our continuing look at the aggrieved tourist, TSG touches down today in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where not everybody has a swell time visiting Mount Rushmore. What follows is a selection of complaint letters sent to the National Parks Service--or forwarded to NPS by elected officials--during the lastfive years (we got them via a Freedom of Information request). Along with the various beefs, we've included the below letter, which actually just seeks an important clarification (and which is destined for enshrinement in TSG's Document Hall of Fame). On apersonal note, we highly recommend Mount Rushmore--though the last time we were there, tha tcreepy Jefferson's eyes followed us everywhere wewent. (9 pages)

May we suggest the Hoover Dam?