Issa Aide Linked To Weiner Twitter Tormentors
Duo sought guidance from GOP congressman’s flack

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JUNE 6--The online duo who spearheaded a vicious months-long Twitter assault on Representative Anthony Weiner--whom they accused of improper contact with underage girls--apparently consulted with an aide to a powerful House Republican as they mulled over how to release information about Weiner’s purported relationship with a Delaware teenager, The Smoking Gun has learned.
In a series of e-mails exchanged on May 25, Mike Stack and his Twitter sidekick “Dan Wolfe” discussed a Tumblr posting by the high school student that they believed showed she was having “private conversations” with Weiner. Wolfe, who noted that he had made screen captures of the girl’s Tumblr blog, exclaimed, “This is MAJOR!”
Beginning earlier this year, Stack (a porn site moderator) and Wolfe (whose true identity is unknown) have carefully monitored Weiner’s Twitter page to catalogue the young women being followed by the New York Democrat. In several instances, they have sent tweets directly to these women “warning” them about the politician.
The insinuation in these messages--as well as in postings on their individual Twitter pages--was that Weiner was a predator.
After Wolfe told Stack about making the screen captures from the girl’s Tumblr page, Stack suggested how they could release the information: “I think that since we have the stuff screencapped we call or email his office. But cc a whole bunch of people asking for a comment.” But Stack then noted, “She is underage, however. Let me email Darrell Issa press sec.”
Stack, e-mails reveal, was referring to Seamus Kraft (pictured above), press secretary and “director of digital strategy,” for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is chaired by Issa, a California Republican. Issa, who has called the Obama administration “corrupt,” is effectively the leading congressional investigator.
In an e-mail to Wolfe, Stack wrote, “This guy Seamus Kraft is awesome.” Stack noted that he was referred to Kraft by a woman who had recently worked for Issa’s committee. The female staffer, Stack said, “thought I would be good at keeping Seamus and Mr. Issa up to date with ethics and BHO [Barack Hussein Obama] issues around the clock.” Stack then remarked, “They have proven to be great allies,” adding that Wolfe should “Follow mr Issa at @darrellissa.” Issa is seen below.
Asked this afternoon about Weiner-related contacts with the toxic Twitter Twins, Kraft said, “I don’t recall that right now.” After saying that, “I have exchanged e-mails with Mike Stack before” Kraft promised he would call back a reporter in 15 minutes after conducting some research. By press time--nearly two hours later--Kraft had not called back with the results of that research (though Kraft did start following TSG's Twitter feed at 2:55 PM).
On May 25, as Stack and Wolfe continued to discuss how to release their purported Tumblr find, Wolfe wondered whether they should even give Weiner a heads-up, since it “will give him time to react. I think we should just run with it on Twitter/Blogs. Don’t give him time to react or make up more lies, etc.” In another communication to Stack, Wolfe seemed anxious to “launch our plan. I can’t wait!”
This aggressive approach was standard for Wolfe and Stack, who had spent months excoriating Weiner over his looks, his supposed sham marriage to a Hillary Clinton aide, and even his wife, whom they accused of having ties to al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. An online crony of the duo even launched a fake Twitter account--“@repneedledick”--that also viciously singed the liberal Democrat.
And, of course, on May 5 Wolfe and Stack began enthusiastically (and presciently) floating a rumor that a “big time” congressman was facing a scandal involving compromising photos. Wolfe tweeted, “@RepWeiner are you this Congressman?” In an interview, Stack told TSG that Wolfe was the source of the photo rumor, which he claimed to have heard from someone who worked for the Drudge Report. The timing of Wolfe’s rumor-mongering is more curious considering today’s disclosure on the Big Government blog that Weiner began sending “intimate photos” to an unnamed “young woman” on May 4.
During their May 25 correspondence, as the duo further discussed how to handle their “MAJOR” forthcoming Tumblr disclosure about Weiner, Stack wrote Wolfe to tell him that he had copied him on an e-mail, which apparently was sent to Kraft, the Issa aide. “Let’s see what Mr. Issa says. Talk in an hour,” added Stack, who is pictured in the mug shot at right.
Wolfe wrote back to caution that, “we have to be very careful who even in gop we tell.” He noted, for example, that Weiner was friendly with Jason Chaffetz, a second-term congressman from Utah who “has said publically he was at Weiner’s ‘wedding.’ I don’t know who else from the other side Weiner is friendly with but at this point I don’t trust many. I don’t want anyone giving him the heads up so he can scramble and wipe away all traces of this.”
A “paranoid” Wolfe would later write of his concerns that “there are a lot of RINO’s [Republican In Name Only] out there that would alert Weiner.”
In response, Stack vouched for the 26-year-old Kraft, who last year earned $76,599 working for Issa’s committee. Kraft, a Georgetown University graduate, previously worked in the Bush administration and took the House post days prior to Obama’s January 2009 inauguration.
The May 25 correspondence between Wolfe and Stack stretched into the evening. After Wolfe asked, “Hey bro! Any news from Seamus?,” Stack replied, “not yet. he was in the office but didn’t get to me.”
At 8:41 PM, Wolfe wondered, “You think we should wait til tomorrow?” Thirty minutes later, Stack answered, “unless you wanna do tonite…Seamus will get back to me in the morning, but we don’t need to wait for him. He can be of help later on if needed.” (4 pages)
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