Enter Sandman, It's Time For Your Booking Photo
Roundup features Miss Arkansas wannabe, poop 'do

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Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
Mug Shots: 10/1/12
NOTE: This week’s booking photo roundup can be viewed two ways:
I) Click here to page through the photos in old school TSG style. In the upper right corner of each page you’ll find a description of the criminal charge(s) leveled against the suspect.
II) To look at the booking photos in a lightbox, just click the image beneath the “View The Document” arrow at left. When you mouse over the respective photos, the charged crime(s) will appear in a small box.
OCTOBER 1--This week’s mug shot roundup opens with a 55-year-old Floridian who was arrested for domestic battery (and appears to have someone flashing the peace sign for him). As for his fellow suspects, some notes:
1) Nabbed Sunday on a bench warrant, the Californian, 46, on page #2 is apparently a fan of the antisocial network; 2) The sandy-faced Floridian on page #4 was busted Wednesday for battery and resisting an officer; 3) The Arkansas woman, 21, on page #5 was arrested Wednesday for drunk driving and driving with an expired license. She looks much better in her photo from the 2012 Miss Arkansas pageant, where she competed as “Miss Northwest Arkansas”; 4) The 23-year-old Californian on page #7 was popped Sunday for failing to appear in court on a felony charge. Her “He Loves The Cock” t-shirt includes a large arrow underneath the type; 5) Collared Tuesday for violating probation, the 40-year-old Arizonan on page #12 has hair that has an unsettling resemblance to something rather unpleasant; and 6) The “Scarface” fan on page #14 was collared Wednesday in Oklahoma for larceny. (16 pages)