No Indictment Against Woman In Sex Case
Texan was charged with assaulting sleeping man

APRIL 27--A Texas grand jury has declined to indict a woman who was arrested last year for allegedly breaking into the home of a friend of her husband’s and sexually assaulting the man while he slept, court records show.
State prosecutors this month filed a motion to dismiss a felony charge brought last October against Megan Hoelting. The court action was triggered when a Williamson County grand jury “No Billed” the case against the 31-year-old Hoelting.
A District Court judge subsequently ordered the dismissal of a criminal complaint accusing Hoelting (seen at right) of burglarizing a home with the intent of committing a sexual assault.
Since grand jury deliberations are secret, it is unknown how the panel reached its decision to reject the case against Hoelting, who reportedly confessed to the home invasion.
Hoelting was arrested following an incident at the home of a man investigators identified by the initials “MDM.” The man told sheriff’s deputies that he “awoke to the feeling of an unknown party on top of him,” adding that he “felt the offender place his penis in her mouth.”
“MDM” said that he recognized the topless woman in his bed as “his friend’s wife.” The man told investigators that he dialed 911 after Hoelting ignored his demands that she leave his property.
When deputies later questioned Hoelting, she reportedly admitted getting into the victim’s bed, where she “kissed him and wrapped her legs around his waist.” Hoelting said that she was wearing a nightgown upon entering the man’s home through an unlocked gate, but removed the garment and was “wearing only panties when she got into the bed.”
The felony complaint charged that Hoelting fondled the man’s genitals and attempted to “perform fellatio upon him.”
Hoelting, a Round Rock resident, was arrested three times in the weeks prior to her October 2014 burglary collar. In late-March, she entered a no contest plea to one of those cases (for theft). Hoelting was fined $500, placed on probation for two years, and ordered to perform 48 hours of community service, according to court records. (3 pages)