Guilty Plea In Baptismal Font Desecration
Naked tweaker, 21, pleasured self in church

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MAY 7--A North Dakota man has pleaded guilty to stripping off his clothes and desecrating a Catholic church’s baptismal font during a methamphetamine-fueled rampage that was witnessed by 75 individuals attending mass.
In a deal with prosecutors, Zachary Burdick, 21, pleaded guilty Thursday to misdemeanor disorderly conduct and indecent exposure charges in connection with a bizarre October 9 incident at the Spirit of Life Church in Mandan, a Bismarck suburb.
Burdick, seen at right, was originally charged with felony indecent exposure, but that count was reduced as part of a plea deal. A District Court judge has not set a sentencing date for Burdick, according to an online case docket.
As detailed in a probable cause affidavit, Burdick was tweaking on meth when he appeared in the church entryway as a 9 AM mass was underway. Burdick removed his clothes and entered the font, where he began “masturbating facing the altar.”
Churchgoer Darrell Kilzer, 68, told cops that he saw Burdick “splash around” in the “Holy Water fountain” before entering the sanctuary while masturbating.
The church’s pastor, Father Todd Kreitinger, was conducting mass when Burdick appeared and “dipped his rear-end into the Holy Water fountain and splashed around a bit before entering the sanctuary while masturbating.” Kreitinger estimated that it would cost $500 to clean and sanitize the font.
During police questioning, Burdick admitted that he was “tweaking” on meth and had used hashish oil. At one point, Burdick reportedly told cops that he was “trying to bust a nut” inside the church.
Burdick was free on bond until March 12, when he failed to show for a court hearing. He was subsequently arrested and booked into the Burleigh Morton County Detention Center (Burdick's mug shot is below).
Burdick’s Facebook page describes him as a “Rapper, Producer, Songwriter” and includes a link to his SoundCloud page. (5 pages)