
Jack Russell Thief Claimed He Took Terriers For “Therapy” Purposes

An accused thief claimed that he swiped a pair of Jack Russell terriers for “therapy” reasons, according to cops who busted him on a grand theft charge.

Police allege that Parker Capparelli, 28, snatched the animals from their pens on a property in Trilby, Florida. The dog heist occurred around 1:15 AM Tuesday, cops say.

Capparelli subsequently told an associate that he took the terriers "for therapy reason," adding that he “had not been around a dog in two months and one of them looked like a dog he used to own.”

When sheriff’s deputies located Capparelli, he had possession of the dogs. Capparelli reportedly copped to entering the 73-year-old victim’s property and letting the terriers out of their pens, but claimed “the dogs followed him off of the property.”

Seen above, Capparelli was arrested for grand theft. It was the second time in a month that he was nabbed on a felony charge. According to court records, Capparelli was busted in mid-December after allegedly trying to cash $20,000 worth of stolen checks. He was free on $2000 bond in that case when collared for stealing the Jack Russells.

Capparelli, who lives about eight miles from the Trilby property, told cops he works for Cal-Maine Foods, the country’s largest egg producer.