Rabbi's Kids In Leniency Plea For Matchmaker Dad
Airplane molester faces six months at sentencing

MAY 11--With their rabbi father facing a maximum of six months in prison for molesting a female passenger on an international flight, three of the man’s adult children have written a federal judge claiming that if their father gets incarcerated their chances of finding a spouse via the matchmaking process would be hindered.
In advance of Gavriel Bidany’s sentencing tomorrow morning, three of his 11 children have written letters to Magistrate Judge Ramon Reyes seeking leniency for their father, an Israeli citizen. Bidany, pictured at right in a United States Marshals Service mug shot, was convicted last week of assaulting a 23-year woman on a March 27 Delta Airlines flight from Tel Aviv to New York City.
In a filing Monday, federal prosecutors asked Reyes to sentence Bidany to six months in prison for the misdemeanor conviction. Bidany’s lawyer countered yesterday with a sentencing memorandum requesting that he be spared incarceration and be allowed to serve any probation term imposed in Israel.
Included in Bidany’s memo were the letters from the three children, which make it seem as if their father is facing years, not a few months, in prison.
Avishar Bidany noted that he was 21 “and I need to start my own family. I can’t wait for that moment. And without my dad, it is impossible.” With his father gone, he added, “It would hurt my match making possibilities.”
Asking Reyes to “send us back our beloved Daddy,” Eden Bidany, 22, reported that she had reached the age “where I need to find a groom and start a family. And without my father it is very difficult.” She added, “This could harm my match making process--starting a home. My whole future depends on it.”
Like his siblings, Ariel Bidany, 21, contended that he needed to find a spouse, get hitched, and start a family. “When my father is not with me, it is going to be very hard, and would hurt my match making. I would like to get married properly with my father at my side please.” (3 pages)
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