Parents Busted For Drunken Teen Mansion Bash
Mom, dad locked in bedroom as 500 minors raged

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OCTOBER 13--As a massive booze-fueled teen party raged in their sprawling waterfront mansion, a Florida couple locked themselves in the home’s master bedroom--until cops arrived and arrested them early Sunday for allowing minors to imbibe.
Cops estimated that there were “approximately 500 minors” inside the Boca Raton home of Shlomo and Jeannie Rasabi, whose teenage sons were hosting the homecoming bash for fellow classmates at the private American Heritage School, according to a police report. The Rasabis are pictured in the mug shots below.
Responding to a noise disturbance call, police found “approximately 100 minors drinking outside the residence,” music blaring from the home, and “five juveniles vomiting outside” the $10 million residence. As Officer Richard Guberman approached the home, he saw “four female juveniles [unconscious] lying on the front lawn.” Inside, Guberman added, he discovered “approximately 500 minors…with the majority of them holding alcoholic beverages in their hands.”
After speaking with the teenage Rasabi brothers, cops were directed to the master bedroom, where the boys’s parents were questioned. Shlomo Rasabi, after being read a Miranda warning, claimed that, “I didn’t even know all these kids were here, they all brought alcohol into the house.” The 59-year-old added, “It was never supposed to get this big, I was in my room the whole time.”
Jeannie Rasabi, 43, told investigators that she had planned the party, but “I was in my room the whole time because my son wanted me to stay there for the evening so he could have the party.” She also claimed, “Everyone brought their alcohol into the house.”
It is unclear how the couple could have been unaware of the high-decibel underage bacchanal occurring downstairs from their bedroom (which apparently is not soundproofed). The nine-bedroom residence, part of a gated community, has a waterfront swimming pool and hot tub. The property can be seen in an aerial photo, while an assortment of interior shots can be viewed here and here.
The Rasabis were placed under arrest for allowing minors to use alcohol at an open house party. The couple was transported to the Boca Raton Police Department, where they were issued a notice to appear in court and later released. Six juveniles were arrested on charges of underage drinking.
Earlier today, in a Facebook posting addressed to “Dear Friends and Family,” the couple claimed that a local newspaper story about the party “is false. Please ignore. Jeannie & Shlomo.” (5 pages)
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