November 10, 2014
DOCUMENT: Roundups
Is It A Halloween Costume Or Their Everyday Look?
Tough week to know what’s going on in a mug shot

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NOVEMBER 10--The Oklahoma dandy, 65, who kicks off this week’s mug shot roundup was busted Monday for drunk driving. As for his fellow suspects, a few notes:
1) No, the Tennessee gentleman, 23, on page #2 is not a cat burglar. He was arrested for public intoxication and apparently was unable to clean off all of his Halloween makeup before his police photo session; 2) The Martha Washington lookalike on page #8 was collared by Florida cops for grand theft auto; 3) Jailed on an assault charge, the 24-year-old Oregon man on page #13 is a walking billboard for the artists at Ace Tattoo; and 14) The black-eared Arizonan, 23, on page #14 ws popped for driving with an invalid license. (14 pages)