MUG SHOTS: Unusual Suspects

Comments (10)

You got a purty mouth.
He looks like Carol King
He will undoubtedly find a chocolate hunny-bun on his pillow tomorrow morn.
new meat in cell block k
"Forever in Blue Jeans Babe!" Could have been the Neil Diamond too! I bet he loves Cher and Madonna and of course Techo! Hmmm, at least he looks committed to the job .... lol. Might I suggest tho an eyebro wax. Could really enhance his look. Ha ha ha. I will quit lol. I bet he would be a great "girls" bestie!
They're going to love you in prison there sugar britches!
he's prettier than I am : (
This is what happens after listening to Barry Manilow CDs! for hours on end.
he should be in diapers and rubber panties
Like chum in a shark tank, sugarlips.