
Looking for a guacamole recipe?
Well, Jack White can help.
The White Stripes co-founder's 2014-15 tour rider includes a requirement for the provision of a bowl of “FRESH HOME-MADE GUACAMOLE.”
To guide promoters, the White rider actually includes a recipe listing ingredients and how the guacamole should be made. For instance, the rider stipulates that the guacamole preparer should be “careful not to mush the avocados too much. We want it chunky.” After the guacamole is “properly mixed and tested,” the avocado pits are to be added to the dip, the surface of which then needs to be evened out with a spoon or spatula.
The rider notes that the juice from half a lime needs to be added to the guacamole to help “keep it from browning prematurely." The guacamole should be ready by 5 PM in the band’s dressing room, according to the document.
White’s dressing room, the rider stipulates, should be stocked with aged salami, a pound of “high-quality” prosciutto, beef jerky, dried fruit, cashews, and almonds. The performer’s alcohol requirements include bottles of red and white wine, Veuve Clicquot champagne, and Bulleit Bourbon (aged 10 years).
The White rider also includes a specific fruit ban. “PLESE NOTE: this is a NO BANANA TOUR. (Seriously). We don’t want to see bananas anywhere in the building.” The rider offers no further details as to why bananas have been banished backstage. (2 pages)
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