Jennifer Lopez

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Jennifer Lopez Rider

Jennifer Lopez

Even when Jennifer Lopez is doing a music video benefiting victims of both the recent terrorist attacks and the African AIDS epidemic, J. Lo is high maintenance.

Along with dozens of other performers, Lopez has participated in a charity remake of Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On," and was at Miami's Big Time studio on October 20 to film her cameo in the accompanying music video. But before the shoot, Lopez's representatives gave the production crew this detailed "rider" describing what needed to be in place prior to the diva's arrival. (2 pages)

Comments (7)

A bit high-maintenance for a charity video, but wow, some mean comments here. I happen to like her shapely figure... and her acting for the most part. But the CD demands are obsolete now - bring an iPod or something. The rider was underwhelming considering the build-up...
WTF? Not a mediocre actress (worse than one), her large bum is what made her a decent singer (it was to distract everyone from "cat fight" sounds coming from a mouth her mother wouldn't even use). And she has the audacity to ask for all that? The 45' trailer was only because of her enlarged head and big bum. SHE SUCKS ( like a hoover with holes in it hose) BADLY.
wow... and i thought justin beiber was bad!
Its amazing how she wants everything white, no food is allowed in the dressing room & a 45 foot trailer.
Just exactly what block was Jenny from anyway. Imagine all that stuff and she isn't even that talented. What a Diva B**tch!
Nice photo for an absolute b**tch. Doing a video for charity and she needs a 45 foot trailer, everything in white, flowers, 9000 cds, All those demands for a fake musician.
This is a nice photo of Jenn.

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