Viewers Complain About Beyonce's Grammy Grinding
FCC beefs also cited Katy Perry's satanic tendencies

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FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FCC Grammy Letters
FEBRUARY 27--You know the routine by now:
1) Mildly risqué performance is shown on broadcast TV
2) Small segment of viewers are stricken by case of the vapors
3) Some write complaints to the Federal Communications Commission
4) Everyone else then laughs at these deeply aggrieved correspondents
So, let’s get on with it:
The January 26 CBS telecast of the Grammy Awards prompted more than 40 viewers to file indecency complaints with the FCC. The beefs essentially broke down into three categories:
* Beyonce’s bumping and grinding with Jay Z
* The gay marriages performed by Queen Latifah
* Katy Perry’s blatant summoning of Satan
To read a sampling of the Grammy complaints, just click on any of the below links. Strangely, FCC officials received no letters about Robin Thicke's performance with Chicago.
Somebody was watching very, very carefully
An Iowan claims to have needed antibiotics
Wait, didn’t Robin Thicke also perform?
Apparently a violation of the “Footloose” ordinance
Blue Ivy’s 17 bodyguards would not allow this
Even the hearing impaired were scarred
So that’s how she gets away with it!
C’mon, Robin Thicke was far more revolting
Tennessean forced to watch against their will
Overwhelming gayness irked Texan
This viewer should probably avoid the Oscar telecast
The gays, they have a way of sneaking up on you
A defender of traditional marriage weighs in
She likely made a deal with him for her career
Katy’s Aleister Crowley shout-out gave her away
Perry’s preacher parents were surely disgusted
Still preferable to being a Robin Thicke fan