Tina Fey Hit With Workers' Comp Judgment
New York State says comedian owes $79,000 tab

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MARCH 28--New York State officials have filed a $79,000 judgment against Tina Fey, alleging that the comedian has failed to carry required workers' compensation insurance, according to court filings.
The Workers’ Compensation Board lodged the judgment against Fey last week in State Supreme Court in Manhattan. State records indicate that the 43-year-old entertainer is being dunned for “Failure to Carry Workers’ Comp Ins” from late-2012 through last month.
A “Final Notice” regarding the $79,000 debt is addressed to Elizabeth T. Fey at a Manhattan address that, records show, has been the headquarters for the former “Saturday Night Live” star’s production company, Little Stranger Inc..
The March 20 judgment is in Fey’s name, not that of her company, which produced “30 Rock,” the NBC comedy starring Fey and Alec Baldwin, and is developing other TV and film projects.
Court records do not detail how state officials arrived at the $79,000 figure, though it represents “Awards and Penalties” levied against Fey for her “having defaulted in payment thereof.” In a court affirmation, a state lawyer noted that, “Appeals before the Board have been exhausted.” (5 pages)