Bizarre Rules Of Koran Avenger Terry Jones
Pastor's followers told to follow cult-like rule book

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SEPTEMBER 12--As he incites violence by burning Korans and promoting an anti-Muslim film--which prompted yesterday’s deadly attack on U.S. diplomats in Libya--Florida pastor Terry Jones has shown little concern about the bloody fallout from his ongoing provocations.
Which comes as little surprise to observers of the Dove World Outreach Center (DWOC), the tiny Gainesville church run by Jones and his wife Sylvia. During a recent “ceremony” outside the church, Jones--wearing a black “Infidel” t-shirt--used a blowtorch to incinerate “the unholy, ungodly, perverted book of Islam” and a caricature of Muhammad.
As TSG noted last year (when Jones first threatened to burn Korans), the DWOC has established rules for prospective ministers that carry a cult-like tinge. Created by Sylvia Jones, the church’s “Academy Rulebook” can be found here.
The document provides guidance on topics like behavior, study, evangelism, and hygiene. On the subject of “Family and relationships,” students are directed to cut off most contact with their kin. “Family occasions like wedding, funerals or Birthdays are no exception to this rule,” the rule book notes. “No phone calls. Exceptions can be made under certain circumstances but only after receiving permission.”
The rule book states, “In order to obey God, we have to leave family behind!”
The rule book also bars “Singles” from having “romantic relationships to the opposite sex,” noting that, “Except work things, there is no need to talk at all, or even flirt!” Jones also forbids “eating out in restaurants” and warned students that they would be weighed “once a week to follow the tendency,” an apparent reference to weight goals.
The church’s goal, according to the rule book, is for students to “develop a stabile Lifestyle of Discipline.”
As such, the DWOC informs future ministers that they must “wash or shower at least once a day but not more then 2 a day.” Showers “are done in 5-7 minutes to save water and money.” Students are also advised to cleanse “Mouth, sweat areas, hair, feet hands.”
If washcloths are not available, students presumably can just use wadded-up pages from the Koran. (6 pages)