Backstage With Eminem
Shady stays slim with low-carb shakes, protein bars

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JUNE 14--For the past couple of years, TSG has been gathering (and sometimes even posting) the backstage demands of pop and rock stars as detailed in amusing "riders" included as part of contractual documents covering a concert performance. But since we have scores of riders that have never been published (and want to clear out some files drawers), today we kick off a campaign to post a rider-a-day until this 100+ document backlog is cleared. These riders will join the already brimming backstage collection you'll find here and will be denoted by a little "new" icon. Below you'll find our first offering, the rider for last year's Japanese jaunt by Eminem, 50 Cent, and D12, Slim Shady's band (pictured at right). We'll let you peruse the men's dressing room, soap, masseur, furniture, and game room needs. But we will mention that Mr. Mathers seems to be an Atkins devotee, considering those low carb protein bars and Myoplex drinks and that turkey burger sans buns. (9 pages)