The Bonggate Seven
Michael Phelps photo triggers South Carolina sheriff's pot crackdown

FEBRUARY 13--While a South Carolina sheriff would apparently like to bust Michael Phelps for his role in Bonggate, investigators have so far had to settle for collaring several young alleged pot enthusiasts, none of whom actually has been charged with anything to do with the November party attended by the Olympic champion.
On these pages you'll find mug shots of six arrestees (aged 17-24) who were rounded up this week in a crackdown triggered by the publication of the Phelps photo (a seventh person, a 23-year-old woman, was only cited for pot possession).
Several of the residents were popped by the Richland County Sheriff's Department at the Columbia home where Phelps partied last year. Most were released after posting $570 on the misdemeanor count. One defendant had to post $832.50 because he was also charged with possession of a fake ID. (3 pages)