Hate Group To Protest At Student's Funeral
Rites for Virginia Tech victim targeted by 'God Hates Fags' followers

APRIL 20--The reactionary religious group that has staged protests at funerals for soldiers killed in Iraq plans to picket at tomorrow's funeral for one of the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre. The Westboro Baptist Church--which operates the godhatesfags.com web site--announced its plans to protest at student Ryan Clark's funeral in a press release (a copy of which you'll find below). Clark, 22, was a biology and English major who reportedly was trying to shield others when he was shot Monday by Seung-Hui Cho. Clark's funeral is scheduled for tomorrow morning in Evans, Georgia. The Westboro organization has protested at the funerals of soldiers because they claim that God is punishing America for 'her sodomite sins' and the persecution of Westboro 'for warning America of her doom.' (1 page)