Minnelli Hit With Sex/Violence Lawsuit
Ex-aide claims he was forced to bed "violent" singer

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NOVEMBER 10--In a bombshell lawsuit, Liza Minnelli's formerbodyguard/chauffeur alleges that the singer forced him to have sex with herand also beat him frequently, The Smoking Gun has learned. Without offeringspecifics in his New York State Supreme Court complaint, M'Hammed Soumayahalso claims that he has "physical evidence" of his nonconsensual "sexualrelationship with Minnelli." Below you'll find a copy of Soumayah's complaint. Soumayah, amarried father of two, began working for the 58-year-old Minnelli in 1994(he had previously worked for the designer Halston, a Minnelli pal).According to the lawsuit, during the course of Soumayah's employment, he wassubjected to "many repeated attempts by Minnelli to compel plaintiff to havesex with her," entreaties to which he "eventually succumbed." Soumayah, 56,also charges that he was repeatedly "hit and assaulted" by Minnelli, buttolerated the performer's "violent outbursts" because he feared losing his$238,000 job. Soumayah contends he was canned in June, shortly afterrefusing to take a 50 percent pay cut. During an eventful mid-Septembermeeting in Minnelli's Manhattan apartment, Soumayah claims that shepropositioned, kissed, and smacked him, and even spit on her former aideafter accusing him of betraying her. Soumayah is seeking $100 million indamages and an additional $89,000 he claims to be owed for work he performedin connection with Minnelli concert appearances. Like Soumayah, DavidGest--Minnelli's estranged husband--has also filed a lawsuit claiming theperformer dished out vicious beatings. Gest, though, has made no claim thathe was coerced into servicing Minnelli. (6 pages)