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This is our second installment of wacky patents, the kind of inventions that, um, take The Smoking Gun's breath away (click here for Part I). These are all sterling examples of Inspector Gadget-like ingenuity and know-how and, as a result, have been awarded patents by the U.S. Department of Commerce's Patent & Trademark Office.
But, sadly, that doesn't mean these items can be found at the local strip mall. In fact, it may be years before the thong panty liner or killer bee enclosure achieve deserved market saturation. Along with these modern day marvels, we've also gone old school and tossed in the1921 patent Harry Houdini received for a diver's suit. The outfit is so cool, we plan on wearing it to this year's Halloween parade in New York City. And, of course, we'll be accessorizing with that striking fried egg hat.
Along with drawings of each item, you'll find the inventor's description of their wondrous product.
Wig Flipping Device (2 pages)
Couture By Houdini (2 pages)
Speaking Of Contortionists... (2 pages)
For The Egghead In Everyone (1 page)
Ergonomic Mascara Shield (2 pages)
"My Ding-A-Ling" Indeed! (2 pages)
Bee In Your Bonnet? (2 pages)
The Thong Doesn't Remain The Same (1 page)
The Old Squirting Straw Trick (1 page)