Looking For Mr. Greenbud
Firm distributed marijuana-laced sweets, BBQ sauce, energy drinks

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SEPTEMBER 28--Federal drug agents yesterday raided an Oakland business that was allegedly manufacturing a variety of marijuana-laced products, from candy bars and energy drinks to barbecue sauce and jelly. According to Drug Enforcement Administration agents, the firm, Tainted Incorporated, distributed the items to so-called cannabis clubs in northern California, Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver, and Amsterdam. According to a criminal complaint, Tainted has ordered nearly four tons of chocolate over the last two years in connection with its pot business. On the following pages you'll find eight DEA photos showing evidence--such as Mr. Greenbud and Buddafinga bars--seized during the searches. Agents yesterday arrested a Tainted manager and two couriers, and are seeking fugitive Michael Martin, the firm's owner, on a federal conspiracy charge. This is the second time DEA agents have broken up a ring that sold products fortified with marijuana. Evidence photos from that March 2006 bust can be found here. (8 pages)