"Lost" Girls Arrested For DUI
ABC hit's stars nabbed minutes apart on Hawaiian highway

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DECEMBER 2--Two actresses from the television series 'Lost' were arrested early yesterday within minutes of each other for drunk driving in Hawaii, where the ABC megahit is filmed. Honolulu cops nabbed Michelle Rodriguez, 27, and Cynthia Watros, 37, just past midnight after spotting their cars weaving on the Kalaniana'ole Highway, which connects Kailua and Honolulu. The women, both of whom failed field sobriety tests, were each charged with driving under the influence and released after posting $500 bail. Rodriguez, who plays 'Ana Lucia' on the TV series, and Watros, who plays 'Libby,' are scheduled for December 29 license revocation hearings in District Court. Rodriguez's Honolulu Police Department booking photo can be seen below, while Watros's mug shot is on the following page. (2 pages)