August 26, 2004
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
Ex-aide claims she was attacked five years ago

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New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
New William Kennedy Smith Assault Charge
AUGUST 26--William Kennedy Smith's former personal assistant claims that she was sexually assaulted by the Kennedy cousin following a night of partying five years ago.
In a Cook County Circuit Court lawsuit filed yesterday, Audra Soulias alleges that 43-year-old Kennedy Smith--who beat a Florida rape charge in 1991--apologized to her the day after the incident. "It was not your fault," Soulias, 28, claims Kennedy Smith told her in a voice mail message. "I have a problem."
Soulias is seeking in excess of $50,000 in damages. (7 pages)