Valley Ho High-Heeled Assault
Escort beat valet for calling yellow cab instead of sedan

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MAY 12--A female escort wielding a high-heeled shoe is facing an assault rap after she allegedly used the footwear to beat a valet bloody outside the Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, Arizona, according to police.
Jennifer Thomas, 26, was arrested early yesterday in connection with the Monday night attack on the 27-year-old male victim, who was injured after Thomas hit him in the head with the shoe. The heel's tip struck his scalp, 'causing him to begin profusely bleeding,' according to Scottsdale Police Department reports. 'The gash was consistent with the size of the bottom of a high heel shoe.'
The unprovoked assault apparently was triggered after Thomas--who was wearing a miniskirt and had been drinking in the upscale hotel's bar--asked the valet to call her a cab. When a 'standard Yellow Cab' arrived, Thomas became irate, saying, 'I'm not fucking getting into that. Who do you think I am?' She added that hotel employees 'should know I need a sedan.' After a second vehicle was summoned--this time a Lincoln Town Car--Thomas removed a shoe and, 'without prompt,' took a 'violent swing' at the valet. Though the man slipped the first blow, 'before he could react again the woman used the same heel, held in her right hand, and hit him on the left side of the head.'
Directing the Lincoln's driver to 'go, go, go!!!,' Thomas fled the scene in the fancier ride, but was collared a few hours later at her Phoenix apartment. Following her arrest, which was first reported by the Scottsdale Arizona News blog, Thomas 'confessed to the assault,' but 'claimed she was provoked by hotel staff,' according to investigators.
An arrest report, which lists Thomas's occupation as 'upscale companion escort,' notes that she was charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and possession of an invalid driver's license, all misdemeanors. The victim, who was 'crying, shaking and talking loudly' when interviewed by cops, was treated at the scene by paramedics, but declined transport to a hospital. (8 pages)