Seven Boys Charged In Food Tampering
Urine, semen placed in items served to teachers

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SEPTEMBER 3--Seven juveniles have been charged with placing either semen or urine in food that they recently served to teachers at an Ohio middle school, investigators report.
The criminal charges filed today against the minors--all boys--include felony assault and tampering counts. Six of the accused are 14, while one of the defendants is 15, according to Delaware County Sheriff's Office reports.
As alleged in Delaware County Juvenile Court complaints, some of the boys “dripped” semen on one crepe, which was then "served to a teacher who ate the crepe with the semen." While two of the defendants brought their semen to school, only one teen’s bodily fluid was added to the crepe.
Other defendants allegedly added urine to barbecue sauce that was poured on chicken served to four other educators. Several teens were charged with complicity for aiding in the tampering acts or failing to stop them. One boy was charged with evidence tampering for allegedly deleting incriminating text messages and a video from his phone.
In mid-May, police began investigating the students in connection with allegations that they placed bodily fluids in items prepared in a home economics class at Hyatts Middle School in Powell, a city 15 miles north of Columbus.
It was only after the food was consumed by teachers that school employees learned of a troubling video that was circulating among students. That clip appeared to show semen being added to the crepe.
During the subsequent criminal investigation, cops seized three iPhones from students and a “clear plastic baggie with off white liquid substance,” records show.
Investigators allege that a trio of boys placed semen in a crepe, while a quartet of teens tainted the barbecue sauce with urine. Police reports identify two victims of the tampering, a 24-year-old female teacher and a 49-year-old male teacher.
Each of the charged defendants resides with their families in spacious private homes, while several of the teens play on local lacrosse and soccer teams.
The charges against the boys come two weeks after the opening of the new academic year. It is unclear what school disciplinary actions the juveniles could face as a result of the criminal charges (or whether they remain enrolled in the Ohio public school district).
At the time the police probe was opened, school administrators said that the “safety and security of our students and staff is of utmost importance,” and that “anyone found in violation of school policies will be held accountable for their actions.” (5 pages)