From Smiles To Sads In Latest Mug Roundup
Pair of boobs front and center in new collection

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FEBRUARY 23--The busty bustee, 21, who opens this week’s mug shot roundup was arrested by Miami cops on a prostitution charge. A few notes about her fellow suspects:
1) The Arizonan, 37, on page #2 was pinched Thursday for fighting and trespassing; 2) The Arizonan, 20, on page #3 was collared Sunday for assault; 3) Despite the liberal application of grease to camouflage himself, the 30-year-old California man on page #4 was still apprehended Monday for possession of a stolen vehicle and evading arrest; 4) Why, yes, the Kansan, 37, on page #5 was nabbed for suspicion of possession of hallucinogenic drugs and other counts; 5) It wasn’t all smiles when the Floridian, 24, on page #12 was jailed for pot possession and violating probation; and 6) Apparently a case of the sads descended on the 29-year-old Arizona man on page #13 following his arrest Monday for trespassing and possession of an open container. (13 pages)