TAGS: informant
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August 28, 2024
Cops: Internist, 59, doused ex-office with gallons of vile liquid
June 11, 2015How to avoid deportation? Try to enlist with DEA
May 2, 2012DOCUMENT: Cleveland, FBI, informant, occupy wall street, snitchesShaquille Azir, 39, indicted twice during cooperation
January 6, 2010DOCUMENT: DEA, informant, Michael Vick, steroidsNFL star denied DEA snitch's account about drug talk
August 13, 2009Despite denials, records detail Alfamega's informant history
May 26, 2009Court filing includes inaccurate details about prized FBI snitch
April 3, 2009Unlike T.I., no sweetheart plea deal for bodyguard-turned-government informant who ensnared rap star in federal firearms prosecution