February 23, 2011
In Some Parts Of The U.S. "Redneck" Is Actually Considered A Religion
While certainly no experts on spiritual matters, until today we were unaware of the existence of a religion being practiced in the South.
As seen in the above excerpt from a Bradenton (Florida) Police Department report, suspect Joshua Lee Joehlin told cops that he is a member of the “Redneck” faith.
Joehlin, a 20-year-old Texan, was busted early Sunday morning on a felony charge of engaging in a lewd and lascivious act with a minor. Joehlin, pictured at left, is being held in the Manatee County jail in lieu of $10,000 bond.
January 31, 2025
Illicit images were discovered on kin's cellphone, police say
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